A Passel of Young 'Uns

 Still discovering caches of old photos I've acquired from auctions, over the years. It is my fervent hope I will be finished with them by the end of this season, so I can move on to grander projects, like the thousands upon thousands of postcards to be sorted, catalogued, and even scanned.

Or, maybe, like making some Christmas presents before the rush.

Meanwhile, the crop from yesterday and today looks like this:

(click on any pic to embiggen)

Someone has had it with your shenanigans

The plaid conspiracy takes root

"There's something you don't see every day, Chauncey"

They find your hat disturbing

"Whom did you say was the cuter one?

Disappointed in your book collection

"Mamma says I should give you my puppy eyes"

"Bish, we will cut you"

"Chair seats are for the little people"

"I'm going to need a bathroom break very soon"

"Does this hairstyle
make my chin look small?"

"Ladies dig a guy in uniform"

"Can you see that pair of

"Those bazongas are pretty amazing"

"Oh, please!
We've seen bigger bazongas
on your Uncle Bud"

"Tell me more about Uncle Bud"


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